Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Aid Kits for your Cats and Dogs

Have you thought about what you will do with your pets if there is an emergency or disaster in your area? April is the American Red Cross's National Pet First Aid Awareness Month. View their website which contains information regarding what to do in such cases:


Here are some things you should collect to put in your first aid kit at home:
1. Emergency phone numbers and a copy of your pet's medical record
2. Gauze
3. Non-stick bandages or towels
4. Adhesive tape
5. Activated charcoal or milk of magnesia
6. Hydrogen peroxide
7. Digital thermometer
8. Eye dropper or syringes of different sizes
9. Muzzle
10. Tweezers, bandage scissors, and dog or cat nail trimmers
11. Gloves
12. Extra collar and leash

The AVMA has this list in a printable format that can be accessed here: First Aid Kit