Thursday, July 28, 2011

Top 10 Weirdest Cat and Dog Names

Bella and Bailey are 2 of the most common dog names at our practice and Whiskers and Smokey are common cat names. Yesterday when a dog by the name of Ducks came in, I thought that was bizarre. But then I found the list of this year's strangest cat and dog names and I was impressed!

Here they are.... the 10 weirdest names that you and I never would have thought of!

1. Almost-A-Dog (Seriously, this is a teacup Yorkie)
2. Franco Furter
3. Stinkie McStinkerson
4. Sir Seamus McPoop
5. Audrey Shepburn
6. Dewey Decimell
7. Knuckles Capone
8. Beagle Lugosi
9. Shooter McLovin
10. Uzi Duzi Du

1. Ozzy Pawsbourne
2. Mr. Meowgi
3. Murderface
4. Fuglee
5. Scruffernutter
6. Corporal Cuddles
7. Cat Masterson
8. Spam
9. Tape W. Orm
10. Louisiana Purchase

See the full list with pictures by clicking HERE