Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flea and Tick Prevention... Yes, you need to do it!

Here's a quick thought for the day:

Flea and tick prevention (with the combination of heartworm prevention) is extremely important and in the Maryland area, is something that should be used year round. A lot of people assume that once it gets cold, we can stop these products until the spring while the opposite is true. In the Maryland area it is not uncommon for a freeze to be followed by a few nice days of warmer weather. These warm days are enough to bring the fleas and ticks out and show up on your dog.

Flea and tick born diseases are easy to prevent and should be taken seriously. I have seen numerous dogs come in this winter with fleas and skin infections secondarily to the itch sensation from fleas. Please keep your pets on protection year round- and I strongly recommend a product dispensed by your veterinarian. There is a difference in efficacy and safety between these products and those available at the grocery or pet store!